Watermelon diet - minus 10 kg per week: results, pros and cons, reviews

Watermelon water for weight loss

Having a great body is the dream of every woman and some men. The representative of the beautiful half of humanity must do everything to please others with her appearance. Nowadays, the watermelon diet has become very popular. Lose 10 kg per week - here are her results. But this happens only if all the rules for its application are observed.

Watermelon lose weight

Useful "striped" berries

First, let's find out what delicious fruit "includes" in.

  • Almost ninety percent is water. This fluid content contributes to a strong diuretic effect, improving intestinal motility.
  • Twelve percent is sugar (glucose, sucrose, fructose).
  • Potassium, calcium, iron and sodium are minerals. Eating two hundred and fifty grams of watermelon, you get your daily value of magnesium. A lack of this element causes chronic fatigue, headaches, and muscle cramps.
  • Alkaline substances and pectin. The fiber that makes up berries lowers cholesterol levels. That is why watermelon is very useful for people with cardiovascular problems.
  • The protein.
  • Cellulose. Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vitamins (A, C, B).
  • Antioxidants These substances protect the human body from the damage that begins with age.

Basic principles of the diet

You should immediately focus on the fact that this nutritional program is not suitable for long-term use. As it is a single diet. It is based on the diuretic effect. A large amount of fluid is excreted from the body, about two liters. This means that the weight is reduced by about this number of kilograms.

Watermelon is a sweet berry. Thanks to this, the body is quickly saturated.

Lose 10 kg per week, watermelon diet based on nutritional adjustment. The transition is made from high-calorie foods to low-calorie menus.

Berries are a natural metabolic stimulant. It can replace ordinary drinking water.

To get the desired results you should:

  • Schedule a fasting day a week. Eat only watermelon all day.
  • Move more and don't forget to exercise. Just exercising every morning is enough.

Nutrition during weight loss

A little later we will talk about the menu itself. Now, let's focus on the principles of nutrition. To lose 10 kg per week with the watermelon diet, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The maximum number of days that can be spent eating a watermelon should not exceed three days. And then only after consulting a doctor, to avoid health problems. This is the answer to the question of eating watermelon for a long time.
  • Prioritize low-calorie menus. Portions should be small. Includes about two kilograms of berry flesh in it. Consume it in equal portions during the day. You can completely replace one of your meals with a red one.
  • Twice a week, you can eat watermelon and some rye bread all day. On other days, the food should be low in calories but filling.

By following these rules, you will have a beautiful body and no health problems.

Watermelon salad for weight loss

Hard food

If applying the watermelon diet to lose weight, which foods should be applied? Comments on representatives of the beautiful half of humanity indicate that it can be difficult and free. Now let's talk about the first type.

Its duration varies from five to ten days.

  • It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting a diet and conduct an examination of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the heart.
  • The diet of each day is a watermelon and a drink of water.
  • Frequency of meals no more than five times a day.
  • The daily rate depends on the weight loss. The best option is one kilogram of berries per ten kilograms of body weight.
  • Exactly out of the diet. Products should be introduced gradually. No more than two a day. Otherwise, the weight can come back, and even carry a few kilos with you.

With compliance with the conditions of the watermelon diet, reviews and results prove that in seven days you can lose weight from three to five kilograms.

Free food

This type is gentler and less effective. Watermelon is only for breakfast. So, for those who can't give up everything, the free weight loss diet watermelon variety is suitable. The menu is as follows, it is approximate. Some foods can be changed, but only for low-calorie foods.

  • As mentioned above, watermelon pulp for breakfast. Its weight is not more than six hundred grams. A teaspoon of honey won't hurt in the morning.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup or grilled vegetables (carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, cauliflower, squash).
  • For dinner - oat porridge with apples. You can steam pumpkin and with unleavened bread.

It is forbidden to use: carbonated and alcoholic beverages. It is recommended to drink at least 1. 5 liters of water per day.

This program guarantees slow weight loss. But at the same time, the watermelon diet, reviews and results prove it, helping to get more lasting results than harsh diets.

In addition, this type of diet helps to cleanse the body of toxins, supplement iron, magnesium, and vitamin deficiencies.

Positive aspects of the diet

Drink water on the watermelon diet
  • Like any other food, the watermelon diet has its pros and cons. Now let's talk about the positive aspects. According to experts, it not only helps in weight loss, but also helps to eliminate excess fluid in the body. Clears the bowels and makes you feel better.
  • An important argument is to reduce cravings. This aspect is very important for people who are struggling with hunger between meals.
  • The calorie content of the product is low. These numbers range from twenty-eight to thirty-eight calories, all depending on the ripeness of the berry.
  • The fruit is very tasty and many people enjoy it.
  • The fruit ripens in late August and early September, during this period it is easier to adhere to a low-calorie diet than in winter.

Now you know what the watermelon diet is good for. If you can't decide to "sit" on it, then in the first place, try doing a watermelon fasting day. Thanks to that, you can also achieve good results. In time, you will be ready to lose weight on the watermelon diet.

watermelon and bread to lose weight

Negative points of the diet

We have talked about the advantages of the diet, now let's find out what contraindications to the watermelon diet are:

  • This is a dangerous food for people with kidney or genitourinary system problems. Even when the disease is in remission, it can become more severe. When using this diet, the main load is on the entire excretory system.
  • You cannot prioritize this method of weight loss for people with diabetes.
  • The watermelon diet is contraindicated for those with digestive problems. This berry can only aggravate the disease.

That is why, before "dieting", you should consult your doctor.

The disadvantages of this type of food should also include:

  • its hardness, the diet consists only of watermelon;
  • no nutritional balance;
  • the first days - the fat does not disappear, but only water;
  • substances useful for the body can be washed away;
  • distention;
  • manifestations: weakness, irritability, impotence, dizziness;
  • frequent use of the toilet.

Opinions of people who are losing weight and those who have already lost weight

Now let's talk about the sensations that the watermelon diet causes for weight loss. Feedback from her followers will help us with this.

It is impossible to ignore the idea that at the end of summer, it is best to "sit and eat" this dish. There are many watermelons, they are not expensive. Thanks to them, you can easily cope with hunger, and most importantly, gradually lose kilograms.

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity do not forget to say that they eat this berry as much as they like. As soon as they feel hungry, they cut pieces for themselves, their stomachs are full. Weight is gone.

One more statement. It asserts that during the diet, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins. After two days, feeling light, digestion improved.

Now about how much weight has been lost in seven days of the diet. Many advocates of this diet claim that it is possible to lose 10 kg. But for this you will have to comply with all the above conditions.

watermelon and oatmeal for weight loss

Get out of the diet

So we lost 10 kg in a week. The watermelon diet is complete. Seven days went by unnoticed. What to do next? Out of it is right. There are several ways:

  1. For ten days, eat only porridge in water, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, vegetable salad, low-fat meat. Replace a meal with watermelon. No salt.
  2. Mixing method. Eat watermelon and regular food. Do not eat flour and sweet products. Sample menu: breakfast - 70 grams of watermelon, lunch - soup. And so on for ten days.

It is important not only to start the diet correctly, but also to end it. New products should be introduced gradually. One per day. Low-calorie ingredients are best. Only in this case, the excess weight will not recur. And you will feel light and comfortable for a long time.

All diets require willpower and endurance. That is why, before prioritizing one or another diet, you need to think about everything well. And only then take the first step.